
  • SJ11422 Rick Winningham

General Manager of Jerry’s Foods 

Sanibel Island, FL

Rick Cunningham has been a very busy guy since Hurricane Ian hit Sanibel on September 28, 2022. He and his team got Jerry’s up and running two weeks ago. In this episode of the Sanibel Journal, Rick explains the obstacles that had to be overcome to re-open the store and what he sees ahead for the island.

Note: You can hear each week’s episode of the Sanibel Journal on your Alexa devices. Just say, “Alexa, enable Sanibel Journal” to add it to your flash briefings. Then say, “Alexa, flash” to hear the latest episode.

I usually release new episodes at noon on Wednesday, but I didn’t want to wait until next week to bring you this conversation. Thanks for listening!