October 2008

  • 70 Obama in Denver

We’ve seen a lot of Barack Obama here in Colorado in recent weeks. But Sunday’s event was the biggest anywhere in the country so far — well over 100,000 people at Civic Center Park. This episode is a soundscape of the rally and ends with Darlene making yet another phone call in search of volunteers to help get out the vote in this crucial battleground state. 

Click here for a video of the last few minutes of Obama’s speech. And here‘s a touching video of an elderly volunteer who had a chance to meet the candidate in Boulder.

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  • 69 Voices of the Regatta

Interviews at the Cambridge Boat Club on October 14, 2008, with four leaders of the Head of the Charles Regatta, a massive rowing event on the Charles River in Cambridge this coming weekend.  You’ll hear from Pete Peterson, the chief referree/umpire; John Romain, cochair manager of the Starting Line; Tom Martin, treasurer, and Mark Bober, cochair of emergency services.

The regatta takes place this coming weekend – don’t miss it if you’re anywhere close to Cambridge!

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  • 68 Mile High Obama

Barack Obama this week returned to Colorado for a speech at Mountain Range High School in Westminster.  My wife and I arrived at the school at about 5 a.m., which put us in line for a seat upgrade at the last minute and a terrific view of the candidate.  His arrival in the arena was delayed by late-breaking events in Washington, D.C., where the House of Representatives shocked everyone by defeating the financial bailout package. 

Click here for video of the speech.  Click here for text.

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