This is a conversation I recorded today with State Rep. Adam Botana, R-District 80, about the bill he has drafted to create a Captiva Island Conservation Area. His comments are timely, because the Lee County Commissioners will discuss proposed land use changes for Captiva at their meeting tomorrow (Dec. 6) at 9:30 a.m.
Sanibel Journal

Len Edgerly
Search Content
Environmental Policy Director, Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Commission (SCCF), left, with host Len Edgerly on Zoom
SCCF web site
Click here to donate to SCCF
“Commissioners Grant 90-day Continuance on Proposed Land Use Changes” at – June 20, 2023
“South Seas Island Resort controversy prompts Lee County Commissioners to postpone public hearing” by David Dorsey at WINK News – June 20, 2023
To download this episode right-click here.
Vice President, Captiva Community Panel, addressing special meeting of the Sanibel City Council on June 14, 2023
Recorded video of Sanibel City Council’s special meeting on June 14, 2023, highlighting the threats of a proposed Lee County ordinance on Sanibel and Captiva’s sanctuary status.
Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF) request to contact Lee County Commissioners in advance of June 20, 2023, meeting to consider the ordinance.
Lee County Commissioners contact information:
District 1: Kevin Ruane
District 2: Cecil Pendergrass
District 3: Ray Sandelli
District 4: Brian Hamman, Chairman
District 5: Mike Greenwell, Vice Chairman
Click here to download audio
Len Edgerly recording this episode
Recorded video of Sanibel City Council’s special meeting on June 14, 2023, highlighting the threats of a proposed Lee County ordinance on Sanibel and Captiva’s sanctuary status.
Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF) request to contact Lee County Commissioners in advance of June 20, 2023, meeting to consider the ordinance.
Lee County Commissioners contact information:
District 1: Kevin Ruane
District 2: Cecil Pendergrass
District 3: Ray Sandelli
District 4: Brian Hamman, Chairman
District 5: Mike Greenwell, Vice Chairman
Click here to download this episode.
Project Manager,
Sanibel Causeway Reconstruction
Kati at Linkedin
FDOT Sanibel and Pine Island Hurricane Ian Relief at YouTube – November, 2022
Linkedin video of Kati on site at the causeway
WINK TV coverage of hurricane recovery – January 6, 2023
Regional Manager, CrowderGulf
2023 National Hurricane Conference
MySanibel website
SanCap Citizens for a Resilient Future
Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF)
On Sunday mornings
we carry our net down the first hole
to the club.
Green and blue and white
mark the new courts
surrounded by mangled fence.
We start at the no-volley line.
We practice dinking soft shots
back and forth
low over the net
relaxed and alert.
orange wiffle balls
pop and plunk,
a silly sound
80 days after the hurricane.
Moving and playing
like kids who snuck into
an abandoned house,
turned it into a sand castle,
a place to forget insurance adjusters,
car-high debris piles,
lost and shattered lives
after the storm.
We know each serve might start a rally
that swoops and dives and thrives
far past the point where someone
always messes up.
It just keeps going,
this long game of building back
an island–
of giving in again
to hope.
–Len Edgerly
December 20, 2022
Sanibel Island, FL
NOTE: I am scheduled to read this poem tonight at the Hope Rising fundraiser event, which will take place at the Sanibel Recreation Center from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. If you are on Sanibel Island, I hope to see you there!
Click to see the PDF
Me, Darlene and Deb wearing Shine on Sanibel t-shirts at today’s ceremony to re-light the Sanibel Lighthouse
City officials, residents, and Sanibel lovers from all over gathered at the foot of the iconic Sanibel Lighthouse before dawn this morning for the re-lighting of the lighthouse, which was battered by Hurricane Ian but was still standing after the storm.
It’s taken five months for the official return of the rhythmic light atop the lighthouse, built in 1884.
Local coverage by WINK TV news, ABC-7, and yahoo!
Facebook video by Audrey Stewart
Lola, a 40-foot Fort Myers Municipal bus converted into a motorhome, arrived on Sanibel four days ago to provide temporary living space in our driveway while repairs to our home continue after Hurricane Ian.
Krystle and Erick Lopez converted the bus into an RV and named her Lola. We were lucky enough to be able to rent Lola until our home repairs are completed.
This video chronicles Lola’s arrival on the Sanibel Causeway and offers a tour of the motorhome and an interview with Krystle and Erick.
Environmental Policy Director, Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF)
Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF)
“DePaolis Joins SCCF as Environmental Policy Director” – SCCF website April 6, 2022
Florida Right to Clean Water drive to amend Florida’s Constitution
The Everglades: River of Grass by Marjory Stoneman Douglas
The Gulf: The Making of An American Sea by Jack E. Davis
The Swamp: The Everglades, Florida, and the Politics of Paradise by Michael Grunwald
Michael of Sage and Indigo Juice Company
Today is a big day in the recovery of Sanibel from Hurricane Ian. The Sanibel Island Farmers Market has returned!
I interviewed vendors, shoppers, and Sanibel Mayor Holly Smith this morning at the Jerry’s Supermarket parking lot. If you hear this before the market closes today, come on down!